Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Of Hogborts, or something like that...

Hey, bookworms! How's it going?
As you may have guessed, I'm trying to post more regularly, if only to provide excuses for why I am not posting more often. I would LOVE to be able to put out a review every day, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist sometimes, and I want to put in as much research as possible so that you, my wonderful readers, may get the most in-depth analysis you can from me. Besides, I do have a social life, you know, catching up with interstate friends (mainly arguing over who would win if we were to fight a ninja battle), calculating how much energy it would take for teleportation for someone of my mass, that sort of stuff. Okay, so when I said social life, I meant a nerd's social life (which is virtually non-existent), but still...
Now, a very important request has been made by Nerd till the Very End for me to review the Harry Potter movies. One of my good friends, Ashywashy, warned me that this would happen, and I guess that I knew it was inevitable; that one day someone would request it. However, I didn't imagine this day would come so soon! I suppose I should be honest, Nerd till the Very End, and get the truth out now. The fact is that I have never seen or read Harry Potter, and that my life has always been very HP free.
Now, bookworms, you see my dilemma. I would love to fulfill any requests my bookworms make, but in this case I am unable to. The way I see it, I have three options:
  1. I can read and watch Harry Potter, and you can expect the review in perhaps 6 months time.
  2. I can have a guest reviewer who is a HP fan to do the review for me (I would make sure that this fan is an expert on the subject).
  3. I could ignore Nerd till the Very End's request, and pretend that I just haven't gotten around to doing the review yet (I am not particularly in favour of this option as I have just revealed the treachery of it for everyone to see, meaning I would be busted rather quickly and perhaps lose the only British follower I have).
So, bookworms, what shall I do? It's up to you to decide for me (see the trick there? In leaving it up to you, I have removed all forms of accountability from myself to you. Enjoy).
Please, tell me what you think!
Yours sincerely,
(Requests are still always welcome, even if I cannot fulfill them)


  1. Barbara from BankworldMarch 4, 2011 at 7:56 PM

    i think that you should perhaps get a guest reviewer. You could set up a section on this blog that is the "guest reviews" Say if you didn't like a certain film *cough twilight* (no offense to twilight fans but i really don't like the whole vampire stuff) or something you could get a guest who does like it to write the review.

  2. Oh dear. I seem to have caused something. Oops. [blush] Sorry. I am. I don't mind if you don't do it, if that's another option ( option 4!!). Bear in mind it was a suggestion. Sorry for the trouble. I'd offer to do one myself, but seeing as I abhore the films, I think it would just be maybe, just slightly biased towards the book. Sorry.

  3. Get a guest reviewer SON!
    It would be great!

  4. hi son
    i vote for option 1
